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The state of Florida has been known for its hot weather, beautiful coastlines and of course Disney World, but there is also another not so pretty thing that characterizes this state: hurricanes.

Sticking out at the bottom of the country, with a 1,350-mile coastline, Florida is located in a place that makes it the perfect target to the most severe hurricanes of U.S history.

The Herald-Tribune published an article that is going to be followed up by other columns, which looked back on Florida’s history of hurricane season focusing specifically on The Great Miami Storm.

This storm swept Florida on Sept. 18, 1962, its winds averaged 76.2 mph for 25 hours, making it the most powerful storm to strike Miami specifically. However, The Herald-Tribune claims that the reason there was a high number of deaths was because of ignorance. People were not aware that the storm was going to have two parts, so when the first half was over they emerged from their shelters leaving them unprotected for the second half of the storm.

Read the full article here to learn more about Florida’s history of hurricane season: https://www.heraldtribune.com/news/20190530/florida-history-biggest-hurricanes-to-hit-florida-part-one


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